Friday, 4 July 2014

Prior to the disclosure made by Sri Sanjeevan from MyWatch, the problem of illegal gambling in Malacca has long been said. Serious involvement of law enforcement authorities and politicians in a very profitable industry, but will destroy a state and nation, is getting out of hand.

Some disclosures have been made before, but apparently, there was no signs that the authorities will conduct combat operations and eliminate illegal gambling, slot machines and gambling and other illegal activities that lead to increased crime rates around Malacca.

Some names have been mentioned to be the mastermind of the relevant activities. They are not only the mastermind, even said to protect and use the position as well as their positions to ensure the industry will return tens of millions of Ringgit a year to continue operating.

One of them also said to have recently been sending SMS to the Home Minister and the Inspector-General, with a veiled for his cronies to ensure that activities are not disturbed and destroyed by the authorities.

In one case, a gaming center located so close to a police station in Malacca. Many have questioned the existence of such a gaming center. Even many who expressed surprise, how the gambling center can operate within the police station without any legal action taken.

The IGP has declared that the team will carry out operations against illegal gambling nationwide. During this time, the police conduct operations from time to time to combat gambling centers but its existence has not diminished, but increased from time to time.

So, like it or not, the involvement of 'insider' in illegal activities would not have been deductible. And the culprits are, of course, who has the power and strong relationships with the top.

Who are they? Is it true that illegal gambling industry in Melaka been masterminded by a chief minister SETPOL and police officers themselves?

This blog will cover one by one through a thorough investigation made ​​in a series of things to come.


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